Thursday, January 1, 2009

Celebrate Life in 2009

First off, a BIG thanks to MissMaisy for all the work she’s done to make this a proper Blog, and not so much my ‘ramblings’. I’ve discovered I’m technologically challenged about quite a few things. (seems my computer is behind a bit too, I had to add the word blog to my MSWord dictionary) Thankfully others have younger brains than I do and more creativity. You should check out her blogs, they are pretty amazing.

A Happy New Year to anyone who finds this wayward link to the outside. May 2009 be a year to celebrate all the good things life holds for each of you.

I am horrid about resolutions, so I thought I would take the advice of others and try to write some Goals for 2009. About a page and a half in, my goals turned into a To-Do list, which stopped me for a good bit. Goals should be more than the daily grind of things that need done. So here is my list, after being renumbered and rearranged about three times.

1. Self – Get and stay healthy as possible, laugh often, love much, ride when able, hug more often, worry less, live life fully every day.
2. Family & Friends – Reconnect and stay close, visit more often, phone someone weekly, send cards or something. Share the journey with the ones I love.
3. Create – Everything! Work on Etsy shop, craft fairs, blog weekly, play with colors of beads, think up new products, learn to spin and knit, crochet more, take the camera with, and pull out those paints again.
4. The Ranch – Play with the cats more, hug the horse daily, plant something, clear out the barn. (this is my to-do list again!! Arrrg)
5. HOST – Get active and help others. Figure out the HOST Shop, find resources that work, be part of the whole team.

NOW, if I can just keep my life from becoming one long To-Do List I’ll be on the right trail.


Anonymous said...

You're welcome jingle! Great list for the New Year; and we are really happy to have you in HOST :)

Brit said...

Good goals :)
And awesome job Maisy!